Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds of Himalayas in India

The Great Himalayas is crowns of the Indian subcontinent and home to some of the most beautiful and rare species of birds in the world.
Endemic birds of the Himalayas mid-altitudes mountain range are Himalayan Quail,Himalayan Monal, Himalayan Mountain Quail, Satyr tragopan, western horned tragopan, Yellow-browed tit,Yellow-vented warbler and Black-headed jay.

Himalayan Snowcock


The Himalayan snowcock in the pheasant family and native to the Himalayan region of rocky cliffs and alpine pastures. Himalayan Snow-Cock and Tibetan snowcock are native to mountain ranges in India, Nepal and Bhutan.

Himalayan quail is a medium-sized quail native to India and one of the rarest birds found on Earth.

Himalayan Monal


The Himalayan monal is a bird in the pheasant family and state bird of Uttarakhand. Himalayan monal is ranked as one of the most beautiful bird of Indian subcontinent but the species is threatened due to poaching.

The Ward’s trogon range includes the parts of the Indian subcontinent and natural habitats are temperate forests and lowland forests. Ward’s Trogon is one of the most beautiful bird of Indian subcontinent.

Blyth’s Tragopan

Blyth’s tragopan is a pheasant family bird and because its total population it is a vulnerable species in India. In north-east India, deforestation is one of the biggest threat to Blyth’s tragopan and to all birds species.

Western Tragopan

Western tragopan is a medium-sized brightly plumed pheasant found in the Himalayas. The species is highly endangered and globally threatened and considered the rarest of all living pheasants, state bird of Himachal Pradesh.

Kashmir Nuthatch

The Kashmir nuthatch natural habitats are boreal forests and temperate forests, found in the northernmost regions of the Indian subcontinent. Almost nothing is known of this species of Kashmir Nuthatch,living in the shadows of its habitat.

Kashmir Flycatcher


Kashmir flycatcher found in the north-west Himalayas in the Kashmir region of the Indian Subcontinent. This is a vulnerable species and breeds in deciduous forest,nesting in a hole in a tree.

Himalayan Black-Lored Tit


Himalayan black-lored tit is related to the yellow tit and the species is a resident breeder in the Himalayas. The black-lored tit has been split into two species named as Himalayan black-lored tit and Indian black-lored tit.

Himalayan Black Bulbul


Himalayan Black Bulbul is a member of the bulbul family found in southern Asia and India. The black bulbul found in forests, cultivation and gardens of hilly areas of Himalaya. Image source:flickr

Golden Eagle


The golden eagles are large raptors and one of the best-known birds of prey in India. Golden eagles are dark brown with lighter golden-brown use their powerful feet and massive talons for of prey.

Bearded Vulture


Bearded Vulture is one of the true raptors of the Himalayan regions and also known as the lammergeier. The Puga valley in Ladakh of the Indian Himalayas is best place to spot Bearded Vulture.

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