Bharat ki Rituyen – Six Seasons of India by Months

Ritu (ऋतु) means season, There are are six ritus (Vasant, Grishma, Varsha, Sharad, Hemant, Shishir) in India by ancient Indian calendar and they differs in start and end times by not only in characteristics but also the list of seasonal festivals.

A season generally recognized as spring, summer, autumn and winter by the Gregorian calendar but ancient times of India, there are six seasons recognised and identified by the temperate, जलवायु (climate) and मौसम (Weather).

वसन्त ऋतु (Spring) – March & April

Spring season is known as (वसन्त ऋतु ) Vasanta or Basant in India, Basant Panchami is the first festival of spring in India followed by Ugadi, Rongali Bihu,Gudi Padwa and Rama Navami. Vasant Panchami (वसंत पंचमी) is a Hindu festival dedicated to goddess Saraswati ( देवी सरस्वती) and celebrated by people in various ways by the region.

वसंत में मौसम सुहावना हो जाता है और इसलिए इसे ऋतुराज कहा गया है, संगीत में एक विशेष राग वसंत के नाम पर है जिसे राग बसंत कहते हैं।

ग्रीष्म ऋतु (Summer) – May & June

Summer is the hottest season of India and also the Hindu marriage seasons, last for two months by Hindu calendar. Grishmaritu (ग्रीष्म ऋतु ) preceded by Basant and followed by rainy season in India, The hot or warm weather offers seasonal festivals of Vat Pournima and Guru Purnima.

वर्षा ऋतु (Monsoon) – July & August

The Monsoon season or Varsha Ritu (वर्षा ऋतु ) is known as month of Sawan as per Hindu lunar months and geographically distributed global monsoon. The unique geographical features of the Indian subcontinent offers two types of monsoon, One from the Arabian Sea and other from Bay of Bengal.

शरद् ऋतु (Autumn) – September, October & mid-November

Sharad ritu (शरद् ऋतु ) in India is known as early Autumn, starts from little late in September and last till mid November. Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons followed by Hemant ritu in the Hindu calendar and characterized by clear blue skies and the festival includes Sharad Purnima and Sharad Navratri.

शरद ऋतु को पतझड़ भी कहते हैं, वर्षा ऋतु के बीतने के बाद परम सुंदर शरद ऋतु आती है जिसमे मौसम सुहावना हो जाता और रात्रि में ठंडक रहती है तथा इसके बाद हेमंत का आगमन होगा।

हेमन्त ऋतु (Late Autumn)- Mid – November & December

Late Autumn or (हेमन्त ऋतु ) is also part of the temperate seasons and offers very pleasant temperatures with characteristics like shedding of leaves in Himalayas and the pattern of the season is slightly different by rest of the ritus in India.

शिशिर ऋतु (Winter) – January & February

Winter season is known as (शिशिर ऋतु ) Shishira Ritu in India, starts after late autumn and before spring in each year. Mid of January to February is the season of Winter in India, offering moderate cold, occasional sunshine and low temperatures.

Difference Between Season and Weather/ ऋतु – मौसम

ऋतु, वर्ष से छोटा कालखंड है जिसमें मौसम की दशाएँ एक खास प्रकार की होती हैं। यह कालखण्ड एक वर्ष को कई भागों में विभाजित करता है ! ऋतु जहां सिर्फ एक बड़े कालखंड के लिये प्रयुक्त होता है वहीं मौसम अपेक्षाकृत छोटे समय के लिये भी प्रयुक्त होता है।

Ritu and Mausam are both part of the year, However Mausam is part of the Ritu which is a small part of the season like Patjhad ka Mausam,Thand ka Mausam etc. पतझड़ सावन बसंत बहार – Patjhad Saawan Basant Bahaar, Ek Baras Ke Mausam Char.


Patjhad ka Mausam is a small part of Ritus in India when deciduous trees from North offers characteristics of shedding of leaves. In some places of India most of the trees leave their leaves in Summer season such as शहतूत, आँवला, शीशम, साल और अमलतास!

उत्तर भारत में पतझड़ का मौसम शरद ऋतु में होता है और अन्य कुछ क्षेत्रों में पतझड़ गर्मी के मौसम के दौरान भी अपने पत्ते गिरा देते है, जिस कारण उस मौसम को ‘पतझड़’ भी कहा जाता है।


Sawan (सावन) or Shraavana mass is the holy fifth month of the Hindu calendar, Starts from mid or late July to August end, considered as the holiest month in India and dedicated to Lord Shiva and very important for the entire sub-continent of India.

सावन महीना भारतीय राष्ट्रीय पंचांग का पाँचवाँ महीना है, और धार्मिक सांस्कृतिक रूप से यह भारत का बहुत महत्वपूर्ण महीना है जिसमे भगवान शंकर-पार्वती की पूजा की जाती है!

Krishna Janmashtami, Raksha Bandhan, Nag Panchami and Shravani Mela are some of the most popular festivals of Shraavana month in India. In popular culture of Hindu, the Shraavana is a month of fasting, worshipping Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

Names of Hindu Calendar Months

There are 12 months of Hindu calendar and 6 seasons, Chaitra is the first month of the year and associated with the coming of Spring also the beginning of the Hindu New Year.

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