15 Species of Birds Found in Little Rann of Kutch – LRK

LRK attracts huge list of birds and bird photographers from across the world. Here is one of the most common Bird checklists of Little Rann of Kutch before you start your Birding In little Rann Of Kutch or Wildlife Tours In Kutch Desert.


Eastern-imperial -Eagle

There are around 6 species of Eagles Found in Little Rann Of Kutch, Eagle are the largest species of birds of Prey Or Raptors found in LRK of Gujarat.



Falcon are fasted bird in the world, the Peregrine Falcon. There are 4 species of Falcons found in Little Rann of Kutch and also in Thar Desert of Rajasthan.


Montagu's_ Harrier

The genus contains 16 species and out of those 5 types of harrier bird of prey found in India.



There are 9 species of vultures found living in India including both migratory and residential, Here in Little Rann of Kutch 3 different vultures have been seen.



There are five species of bustard living in India, in the dry grassland areas of Rajasthan and Kutch desert of Gujarat.



Cranes are listed as largest flying birds along with Bustard, The family has 15 species placed in four genera.



Six extant flamingo species are recognized by most sources, In India only tow species of flamingo found, listed as Lesser flamingo and Greater flamingo.


Pelicans are a genus of large water birds, there are eight living pelican species have global distribution, two species of Pelican found in LRK.




A goose is a bird of any of several waterfowl species in the family Anatidae. The The greylag is the largest and bulkiest of the geese and migratory to India.


Storks are large, long-legged, long-necked wading birds, Various terms are used to refer to groups of storks, frequently used ones being a muster of storks.




The short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) is one of the grassland owl species from the family and found in open country and grasslands.



Shrike birds are passerine bird from the family Laniidae and also known as butcherbirds. The medium-sized birds with grey,black and brown plumage and few are Migratory to LRK.



Lapwings are any of various ground-nesting birds, Sociable lapwing and White-tailed lapwing are two endangered birds found in LRK.



The well camouflaged birds are and nocturnal bird from the nightjar family, Most nightjars are best detected from its characteristic calls at dawn and dusk. LRK is one of the place to spot most of the European Birds in India such as European Nightjar.

Sandgrouse ! Quail ! Francolin


Sandgrouse are small, pigeon-like land birds and nomadic species, Chestnut-bellied sandgrouse is a bird of Deserts of Kutch and Thar.

There are 200 plus species of birds found in Rann of Kutch, Some of the birds of Rann of Kutch are Common Pochard, Common Quail, Red Collared Dove, Lesser Florican, Black Stork, Bittern, Egret, Heron and good number of raptors, land bird, water birds and ducks.

Grassland and Desert of Kutch are also home to endemic and endangered wildlife and about 50 species of mammals.

Here is the list of commonly seen wild animals of Kutch and other mammal species include Indian Porcupine, Honey Badger, Indian Pangolin, Indian grey mongoose and Indian boar.

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