10 Easy to Grow Vegetable Plants on Your Roof Top

Vegetables are plants consumed by humans on daily basis as part of food and play an important role in human nutrition. Here is the list of easiest vegetables to grow indoors, some of them are seasonal and even you can grow mushrooms indoors along with Spring Onions,Peas,Chili pepper and Colocasia.

Chilli Plants


Chilli Plants are fastest and easiest growing plants, which usually takes 7-10 days. Growing chillies from seed is the best way.



Growing Potatoes depends upon weather and soil. The process of growing potatoes plants indoor is very simple, Just prepare the soil and plant your potatoes.


Onion plants are the most easiest vegetable and can be grown annually. Pick a bare root and plant it and it will start growing within days.



Growing Coriander for its leaves is very easy. If you are growing from seed then grow it outside because they attract hoverflies.



Garlic plants can grow in a wide range of soil but prefer high organic material. Garlic bulb is the most commonly used part of the plant but Green garlic also used in Southeast Asian countries.



Tomato plants are easiest vegetable plants to grow indoors from seed. The tomatoes are one of the must have salad vegetable plant in your garden.


Radishes are root vegetable having numerous varieties and grown as companion plants. Radishes grow best in full sun in light and fast growing plants, like Daikon, European radishes and Gegeol radish.


Beetroot is a medicinal plant and used as food colouring. The green red leafy portion of the beet and purple roots also edible along with boiled or raw salad vegetables.



Okra is popularly known as ladies’ fingers and the plant grows to around 2 metres in height. The okra contains 90% water and good source of protein and carbohydrates.



Eggplant is known as brinjal in India and widely used in cooking with tomato and the potato. Brinjal plant produce fruit of different size and colors but mostly with a dark purple skin.

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