12 Commonly Seen Types of Grass Found in India

Grasses of natural grassland are an important source of the dietary supply for animals, Also cultivated for lawns and pasture. Though there are list of grasses family like Poaceae and seagrasses, economically important for a multitude of purposes, Here is the different types of Grass found in India.

Doab Grass (Cynodon dactylon)


Indian doab is a green colour grass commonly known as Durva and Doab, considered important in the worship of Lord Ganesha. The sacred grass also used in the Ayurveda system of Ancient India and for traditional medicine.

दूब घास का हिन्दू संस्कारों एवं कर्मकाण्डों में उपयोग किया जाता है। दूब त्रिदोष को हरने वाली एक औषधि है!


Kusha Grass (Desmostachya bipinnata)

Kusha grass for Desmostachya bipinnata grass and has ritual significance in Hinduism.
The sacred grass Kusha is shaped like a ring during the havan, rituals such as the home and tarpana.

कुश घास भारत में धार्मिक दृष्टि से यह बहुत पवित्र हैं, इसकी चटाई पर राजा लोग भी सोते थे ! आज भी धार्मिक और श्राद्ध आदि कर्मों में कुश का उपयोग होता है।
राहु महादशा है तो कुश को पानी मे ड़ालकर स्नान करने से राहु की कृपा प्राप्त होती है।

Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus)


Indian lemongrass plant is native to Southeast Asia, have been used in traditional medicine of India for leaves, stem and sprout roots. Lemongrass is most commonly cultivated for medicinal and culinary uses, Also used in the production of sprays, soaps, oil, tea and as a flavoring agent in culinary.

Kans Grass (Saccharum spontaneum)

Kans Grass is native to the Indian Subcontinent and an important habitat for the Indian rhinoceros in Assam. The wild sugarcane grass along with baruwa grass has native distribution area in mostly northeastern Indian states, particularly in Assam within the Terai-Duar grasslands.

Ravenna Grass (Saccharum ravennae)

The ravennagrass is known as elephant grass in India and ikora in local Assamese language. Elephant grass is a big, tall and large type of grass that grows in moist and wet habitat types in India, Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands of Assam is home to tallest elephant grass.

Sewan Grass (Lasiurus scindicus)


Sewan grass found primarily in arid region of Rajasthan in the Indian Thar desert and one of the most productive grass in India. This is one of the native grass of India and also considered as the king of desert grasses, found in the dry parts of Jaisalmer, Barmer and Bikaner.

Karad Grass (Dichanthium annulatum)


Karad Grass also known as marvel grass, is a grass that is native to parts of Asia, Africa. It is commonly used as fodder crop for livestock and is used for hay and silage.

Carpet Grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum)


Stenotaphrum secundatum is the well known species of grass that is popular as lawn grass and forms a thick to medium surface. The dark green grass with broad and flat blade often seen in lagoons and marshes.

Manila grass also known as Korean grass, widely grown as an ornamental grass and planted as turf grass in India also as a lawn grass in the United States.

Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum)

Napier grass species is native to the African grasslands but now also cultivated in other parts of the world and one particularly suited to feed cattle and buffaloes. In India, Napier grass or elephant grass is a popular fodder crop for dairy farmers.

Desho Grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum)


Desho grass is known as deenanath grass in India that grows naturally in India and also in native geographic location. The herbaceous perennial grass harvested and stored to feed the livestocks in Ethiopian highlands

Foxtail Bristle Grass (Setaria faberi)


The giant foxtail bristle-grass species of grass is also known by many common names like wild foxtail or green foxtail. Setaria viridis and Setaria faberi are two different species, And the wild plants emerge from seeds during the monsoon in India.

Setaria megaphylla is another most common species of big leaf grass found along the water bodies like rivers or forest. The giant bristle grass occasionally found in India mostly post monsoon it grows in different parts of India.

Congress Grass (Parthenium hysterophorus)


Gajar Ghans is locally known as carrot grass or congress grass in India, It is an invasive species and a poisonous plant that causes allergies to humans and livestock.


Other types of grass found in India are SilverGrass,Dhaman Grass,Biscuit Grass,Ornamental grass,Congress Grass and Broadleaf Cattail.

Paspalum is the family of grass that found throughout the tropical regions and locally grown during the season.


Typha latifolia – Not A True Grass


Typha latifolia is not a true grass but a plant that found in a variety of climates and always found in or near water in India. The common cattail grows mostly in fresh water and its rhizomes are edible but it is not advisable.

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