Top Best 10 Air Purifying Plants Available in India

As per NASA Clean Air Study, There are common indoor plants that may provide a natural way of removing toxic agents from your home. Here is the list of top 12 most popular indoor air filtering plants available in India.

Tulasi or holy basil plant is native to the Indian subcontinent and best plant in the world for medicinal uses, ornamental and cultivated for herbal tea, essential oil, used in Ayurveda as well as religious plant to Hindu.

Song of India (Dracaena reflexa)

Dracaena reflexa plant is known as song of India or song of Jamaica, native to the islands of the Indian Ocean and now grown as a houseplant and indoor ornamental plant.The long glossy green color thin leaves are among the best indoor plants for removing xylene.

Aloe Vera (Indian Aloe)

Aloe vera cultivated for medicinal uses in India, also found in consumer products like soap, shampoo, skin lotion and cosmetics. The species grown as an ornamental plant, medicinal plant and used in traditional medicine of Ayurveda for healing properties.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies indoor houseplants are not true lilies but comes under best indoor plants suited for offices and homes. They does not need large amounts of light and cleans indoor air of certain environment but mildly toxic to humans and animals when ingested.

The flamingo lily flowering plant is native to Colombia and Ecuador and listed by NASA Clean Air Study as one of the most popular air filtering plant. The whole plant itself is toxic but grown as an ornamental plant and also used to make bouquets.

Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

Areca palm is native to South India, Madagascar and tropical countries, Mostly grown as an ornamental plant for garden or indoor houseplant. The palms plant is very easy to grow indoor and outdoors with limited care also easily available at nursery in India.

Bamboo palm is native tropical regions, growing in rainforests, listed as one of the most heavily sold houseplant palm plant. The popular houseplant is suitable for low light indoor conditions and a popular air filtering plants compiled by NASA.

Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina)

Weeping fig is native to Asia and Australia, It is a very popular houseplant due to its slow growth and tolerance of low light. The ficus tree can reach 98 ft in natural sunny conditions and the small edible fruits are favored by some birds like fruit dove and imperial pigeon.

The rubber fig plant found naturally from Nepal to northeastern India and Malaysia, also introduced to tropical regions. Indian rubber tree is one of the large tree of the banyan group of figs and its roots are used for living bridges in northeastern parts of India.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plant are the most popular and easy to grow houseplant available in India, more commonly sold in hanging baskets. The plants are known to reduce indoor air pollution and very effective at removing of formaldehyde and xylene.

Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plant commonly known as mother-in-law’s tongue plant, native to range in Africa but now found across the globe as an ornamental plant and indoors houseplant. The shape and sharp leaves of plant exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide but also known to contains saponins which are mildly toxic to pets.

Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

Money plant also called devil’s ivy but commonly known as money plant India as well as in many parts of the world. The devil’s ivy plant is a popular houseplant in many tropical countries and listed as toxic to cats and dogs but used in decorative displays.

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Boston fern is one of the best indoor house plant and mostly grown in hanging baskets, also the most tolerant to drought. The popular house plant is safe for pets and as per NASA Clean Air Study, or Boston fern plant is very effective at removing common household air toxins.

Chinese Evergreens (Aglaonema)

Chinese Evergreens plant are popular houseplants and good for low-light conditions, also grown as luck-bringing ornamental plants in Asia. Aglaonema plants are poisonous but as per NASA Clean Air Study its effective at removing common household air toxins.

There are few more plants good for indoor air filtering such as Dumb Canes or Dieffenbachia – Very dangerous and toxic indoor houseplant. Horsehead Philodendron, Gerbera jamesonii, Dendrobium Phalaenopsis and moth orchids.

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