India is the world’s second largest producer of the agricultural products such as wheat, rice, sugarcane, several dry fruits and largest producer of many fresh fruits like papaya, banana, mango, guava and vegetables (Eggplant, Potato, Pumpkin, squash and gourd). – हिन्दी मे पढ़िए – भारत के 12 कृषि उत्पादक राज्य!
West Bengal is the largest producer of rice in India, followed by Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab.
Uttar Pradesh is the largest Wheat producing state of India, followed by Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh.
Gujarat state of India is the largest producer of Cotton, followed by Maharashtra, Telangana and Karnataka, The state is also is the largest producer of groundnut in India.
Sugarcane is a Kharif crops or monsoon crops harvested in India during the rainy season. Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of Sugarcane in India, followed by Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamilnadu.
West Bengal is the largest producer of fresh Vegetables in India, followed by Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.
India is among the largest producer and exported of ginger, okra and second of potatoes, onions, cauliflowers, brinjal and Cabbages.
West Bengal is the largest producer of Jute in India, followed by Bihar, Assam and Andhra Pradesh.
Jute is second most important natural fibers after cotton and also the most affordable natural fibers in the world.
Assam is the largest producer of Tea in India, followed by West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh and other states of North India.
Most popular tea types in India are Assam tea, Nilgiri tea, Darjeeling tea and Kangra tea.
Karnataka is the largest producer of Coffee in India, followed by Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Karnataka is also produce Maize, tea and sunflower in large quantities.
Madhya Pradesh is India’s largest pulse producing state, followed by Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
The state of Madhya Pradesh is also the largest producing state of Soyabean and garlic.
Kerala is the largest producer of Rubber in India, followed by Tamil Nadu, North East state of Tripura and Karnataka. The state of Kerala is also largest producer of black pepper, small cardamom and good amount of cloves and other Indian spices as well as exotic fruits.
Follow the link to know more about top 5 salt and fish producing states of India.
bihar, jharkhand, jammu and kashmir, punjab is the largest producer of which crop, alright where are 28 states you have told only 10 of them why?
I too same question
Remaining states low procutions only
Largest Agricultural Producing States of India– she mentioned leaders of agriculture crops supplying states. That means others state produce agriculture crops but supply less.
Put a date for these “facts”; otherwise the information is “dated”