The Mahindra Gusto features includes Automatic Gear,longest seat in the segment,LED tail light,seat adjust-ability with self-locking mechanism. Technical specifications, features, colours, mileage, reviews, photos, price and all information about Mahindra Gusto. Gusto is one of the most successful bike from Mahindra after Duro and Gusto is a scooter that far surpasses all others. Thanks to its tough performance, great mileage and its numerous, innovative car-like features.
Mahindra Gusto bike isn’t revolutionary but very impressive bike with the amazing features of adjustable seat, space and innovative car-like features.
A lot of
space for a scooter, Gusto has Storage in front of the dashboard and also
extra space under seat. It’s awesome!
gives you the 63kmpl of mileage that is very good when compared to other
scooters of this range. It is stylish and comfortable, something that every
rider would prefer.