Bhutan has some of the most rugged terrain in the world and few remaining biodiversity hotspots in Asia. The geographical kingdom of Bhutan offers great biodiversity and ecosystems for unique and rare wildlife,habitat of wild Bhutan provide shelter for the Himalayan black bear, red panda,Muntjac,sloth bear and Tibetan wolf. Well known and keytone wild animals of Bhutan are Asian Elephant, Tiger, Red Panda,Himalayan Black Bear, Black Necked Cranes,Himalayan Musk Deer,Asiatic Black Bear, Sloth Bear,Leopards and Gray Wolf. In addition, Bhutan is also home to the tiger, one-horned rhino, red panda and the Tibetan wolf.
Takin is the largest goat antelope and is the national animal of Bhutan, found in the forested valleys of eastern Himalayas of India and Bhutan. Takin are found in small family groups and considered Vulnerable due to overhunting and the destruction of their natural habitat.
Himalayan Blue Sheep or Bharal is a caprid species found in the high altitdue mountains of Himalayas in India, Nepal and Bhutan. Bharal is the medium sized sheep and are the favored prey of snow leopards of Himalayas in India.
Himalayan Goral is a bovid species closely related to serows,found across the great Himalayas of Bhutan and northern India. The Himalayan goral are small ungulates with a goat like or antelope like appearance but a bovid species.
Himalayan Serow is another big goat antelope and very simillar to gorals, found grazing on rocky hills of Bhutan and India. Himalayan serows population is declining due to habitat loss and meat.
Himalayan Musk Deer listed as endangered, found in parts of Himalayas of India, Nepal and Bhutan They inhabit high alpine environments and protected by law in Bhutan,Nepal and India.
Dhole also called as Indian wild dog is one of the species of canid, found in Central Asia. Today they only occur in the Jigme Dorji National Park of Bhutan.
Binturong is a viverrid also known as bearcat,mostly occur from India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan. The carnivorous mammal are not uncommon and mostly active during the day and at night.
Yellow Throated Marten is the largest species of marten in the Old World,occurs in the Himalayan states of India,Nepal and Bhutan. The yellow throated marten are very fearless animal with powerful build, just like the Honey Badger.
The golden langur is a leaf eating monkey found in northeastern India and Bhutan. Golden Langur and Capped Langur are endangered species of primate endemic to Bhutan and some areas of Assam in India.
Tibetan Wolf and Himalayan wolf are two species of wolves, actually sub-species of the grey wolf found in India, Nepal,Bhutan and Tibet. Tibetan wolf, wild dog and red fox are found in Bhutan.
The Royal Manas National Park of Bhutan is one of the parks with the highest diversity of wildcats in the world. Clouded leopard occur from the Himalayan foothills in India to Bhutan.
The snow leopards of Bhutan are living in the high mountain valleys of Himalaya and are the biggest cat in the region. The Snowman Trek of Bhutan is most popular trekking routes and famous for Snow leopards sighting.
Bhutan is home to 15 small and big national parks and Wildlife Sanctuary, Wangchuck Centennial National Park is the largest national park in Bhutan and connected to Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park via wildlife corridors. Image – wwfbhutan
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A little-known feline also inhabits Bhutan — the Pallas’s cat, also known as manul. Usually, wherever you find snow leopards, you’ll also find this darling little endangered cat. It is so good at hiding, that’s why researchers don’t find many. A solitary cat, it only seeks out its own kind in mating season. Females are fertile for a max 72 hours in late fall, early winter. They rival Chinese pandas as being the animal you’re least likely to catch “in the act”. Humans have encroached into its territory, looking for them due their luxurious dense fur. They have the densest fur of any feline on the planet. They need this fur due to the -43 degree temperatures in the Himalayas. In ancient Mongolia, Genghis Khan wore its fur quite a lot. Their fur and their tendency to look a bit like a hated marmoset are two reasons they are on the Endangered Species list. But……..I think they’re SOOOOO cute. If you like cats, do check them out. They need our help.