Wild Animals Adopted City Culture and Living with Humans

Adaptation is a way an animal’s body helps it survive,live in its environment by learned to adapt or change. Best example of adaptation by wild animals are the Indian Leopard and black kites, they have developed special skill which helps them to survive and do everything from physical changes body and developed features to survive and obtain food. In the other parts of the world Grizzly bear,Mountain Lion,Coyotes, Owl,Mosquitoes,Honey Bees,Rock Dove and Crows have been adapted the human culture and living with us in the high rise building, sink holes and nurturing their population by eating our left over foods and some time killing the prey in the city such as Dogs, Rock Pigeon and rates, The city wild life is called as urban wildlife and these animals are known as city wild animals.



The Indian Flying Mammal now lives on open trees near the railway station, parks or inside any abandoned places near the city or underneath the flyovers of metro cities. Bats are the only mammals with wings and present throughout most of the world, Vampire bat feeds on bloods of Cattle.


Rats are long-tailed rodents known as the Old World rats, lives along with railway lines and railway station of India. Thousands of big black rats can be seen roaming around the railways tracks, sink holes,Apartment Buildings eating our leftover foods and spreading disease to humans.



Snakes live in almost every corner of the world due to the destruction of habitat, they found in underground sink holes, Gardens and inside our homes. The common krait is a species of venomous snake is the most mysterious snake commonly seen in the rural areas of India and responsible for causing the most human death in India.


The scorpion is an eight-legged carnivorous anthropoid found worldwide, now lives along with human. Scorpions are able to change their metabolic rate and live on one meal per year.



The owls are adapted Urban wildlife and living in the Indian cities, Barn Owls are mostly prefer cultivation near human settlements and are often found in cities.

Black Kites


The black kites are a medium-sized raptor and one of the world’s most abundant species of Accipitridae, widely distributed through out the Indian Sub-Continent. Small Indian kite also known as pariah kite is a dark brown kite found throughout the subcontinent, easily spotted in urban areas of metro cities of Pune. Mula and mutha river bed in the city of Pune is home ground for excessive population of Black Kites, circling and soaring riverside polluated area and living on the roof top of high rise buildings.



The Indian grey mongoose or common grey mongoose and Indian brown mongoose are the common species of mongoose found in Indian cities. Indian grey mongoose have adapted city culture environment by learned to change.



The Indian jackal and Golden jackal is an omnivorous and opportunistic forager, learn to survive in urban areas of Indian metro cities. Jackal occurs in almost any habitat expect forest,in an urban area,cultivated area and Indian villages.



The Rhesus Macaque Monkey’s are one of the best species of the Old World monkeys and have adopted the human culture and rising populations in towns and cities. Rhesus macaques Gang live in the Galta Temple in the city of Jaipur,Streets of Delhi and other Indian cities. Gray langurs or Hanuman langurs are also living near by human population in India.

Indian Leopard


The Indian leopard one of the member of member five big cats family found in Indian Sub-Continent and one of the most exclusive and successful members of Indian big cats,known for its unique skills of climbing the trees, high jumping, good swimmer and has developed the features to survive and adopted city culture. Leopards of Sanjay Gandhi National Park Mumbai are now living with humans and entering the lobby of apartments, garden complex to kill pet dog and stray dogs.These wild leopards have been adapted the human environment successfully and some time attacking the humans as well.

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